Moteur de recherche d’entreprises européennes

Financement de l’UE (7 993 653 €) : Développer un cadre numérique pour la rénovation du bâtiment Hor23/12/2020 Programme de recherche et d'innovation de l'UE « Horizon »


Développer un cadre numérique pour la rénovation du bâtiment

ENSNARE’s main objective is to boost the implementation of renovation packages through (1) the digitalisation of the entire process by means of a digital platform and (2) the development of an industrialised envelope mesh enabling fast assembly and interconnection of passive and multifunctional building components. The methodology and tools provided will facilitate the necessary market uptake of novel and highly efficient solutions for nZEB, accelerating the current retrofitting rate and supporting the transformation of the European building stock into a highly efficient and technologically advanced built environment. Within a comprehensive systemic approach, the project will target the development of modular adaptable components to be integrated within the system (rather than marketed as standalone products that increase the cost and complexity of the system), including an active window for ventilation and heat recovery, solar harvesting devices (thermal collectors, PV and hybrid panels with advanced technologies such as roll-bonding), heat pumps and energy batteries for load shifting. The digital platform will comprise a set of digital tools supporting and accelerating all stages for a more efficient renovation process: automated data acquisition, LCA/LCC analysis and decision support, digital BIM model building and computer-assisted manufacturing (CAM), and a smart building management system (sBMS) for optimised operation and maintenance. All these tools are linked to a digital model, which increases in complexity and interaction potentialities as the project develops. At completion, the model becomes a Digital Twin of the renovated building allowing real-time monitorization, simulation and optimised operation of all building components. The ENSNARE solution will be validated through three pilot renovation projects covering Nordic, Continental and Mediterranean climates, and three virtual demonstration buildings aimed at upscaling the development of the solution.

???? ??????????? ???? 315 525 €
????????? ?????? ?? 312 134 €
Civiesco Srl 527 450 €
Coaf Srl 388 405 €
??????? ??? ??????????, ????? ??? ??????????? ?? ????? ?????????? ??? ????? ??????? ????? ????? ???? ?????? 221 233 €
Envolventes Arquitectonicas Enar SL 276 938 €
Fundacion Tecnalia Research & Innovation 1 519 314 €
????? ???????????? ?????????? ??? 0,00 €
??? ??????? 532 455 €
Integrated Environmental Solutions Ltd. 0,00 €
??????? ???? ? 187 000 €
ONE CLICK LCA Oy 296 625 €
Onyx Solar Energy SL 414 291 €
R2M Solution Spain SL 293 124 €
R2M Solution Srl 0,00 €
Riventi Fachadas Estructurales SL 537 666 €
Suntherm ApS 2 509,01 €
????? ???? 298 359 €
Technische Universiteit Delft 496 563 €
?????? ????????????? ???? 552 027 €
???????? ? ?????????? ?????????? ????? ????? ?? ?????? 0,00 €
Universita Degli Studi DI Padova 288 500 €

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